- class StateChangeNotification¶
Describes state change notification
- Canonical
- Parameters
sequence (StateSequence) – Sequence of actions executed when a program is playing
timestamp (Timestamp) – This field is deprecated and will be removed in a future release
connection (Connection) – This field is deprecated and will be removed in a future release
generic_info (NotificationInformation) – Generic notification information
- class VariableState¶
Describes the state of a variable
- Canonical
- Parameters
identifier (str) – Variable unique identifier
value (str) – Current value
- class StatusInformation¶
Describes the status of the Runner
- Canonical
- Parameters
status (Status) – Current status of the Runner
current_handles (ContextualizedRunnableHandles) – Handles to identify what is running or paused
start_operating_mode (OperatingModeType) – Operating mode at program start. Is OPERATING_MODE_UNSPECIFIED when runner status is STATUS_IDLE.
- class StatusChangeNotification¶
Status event that is sent when program runner status changed. Use GetStatus for initial status discovery
- Canonical
- Parameters
status_info (StatusInformation) – New status info
timestamp (Timestamp) – This field is deprecated and will be removed in a future release
connection (Connection) – This field is deprecated and will be removed in a future release
generic_info (NotificationInformation) – Generic notification information
- class ExecutionEventNotification¶
Notification about a program execution event
- Canonical
- Parameters
event (ExecutionEvent) – Occured event
handle (RunnableHandle) – Handle to identify what is the runnable that is affected by the notification
payload (str) – Generic payload (JSON) whose content depends on the event. Can be a feedback, a reason or an output depending on the event
timestamp (Timestamp) – This field is deprecated and will be removed in a future release
connection (Connection) – This field is deprecated and will be removed in a future release
field_feedbacks (JSONFieldFeedback [ ]) – Field feedbacks in the Action form at runtime (optional)
generic_info (NotificationInformation) – Generic notification information
- class ActionList¶
List of all available actions
- Canonical
- Parameters
actionList (PluginAction [ ]) –
- class RunnableHandle¶
Handle to identify a runnable
- Canonical
- Parameters
action_handle (ActionHandle) – Handle of the action
program_handle (ProgramHandle) – Handle of the program
- class ContextualizedActionHandle¶
Handle to identify a contextualized action
- Canonical
- Parameters
handle (ActionHandle) – Handle of the action
context_action_ids (int [ ]) – This context is used to differentiate actions running in SubPrograms
- class RunnableHandles¶
Handles to identify the runnables
- Canonical
- Parameters
action_handles (ActionHandle [ ]) – Handles of the actions
program_handle (ProgramHandle) – Handle of the program
- class ContextualizedRunnableHandles¶
Handles to identify the contextualized runnables
- Canonical
- Parameters
action_handles (ContextualizedActionHandle [ ]) – Handles of the actions
program_handle (ProgramHandle) – Handle of the program
- class ProgramStartConfiguration¶
Program start configuration
- Canonical
- Parameters
debug_mode (bool) – Is the program running in debug mode
handle (RunnableHandle) – Handle to identify what is the runnable
- class ActionsStartConfiguration¶
Actions start configuration
- Canonical
- Parameters
debug_mode (bool) – Are the actions running in debug mode
handle (RunnableHandles) – Handles to identify what are the runnables
variables (Variable [ ]) – Variables required to operate the actions
- class ProgramValidationConfiguration¶
Program validation configuration
- Canonical
- Parameters
is_valid (bool) – True if the program is valid, false otherwise
program_handle (ProgramHandle) – Handle of the program
- class PluginAction¶
Plugin Action
- Canonical
- Parameters
handle (PluginActionHandle) – Handle to uniquely identify a plugin action
description (ActionDescription) – Properties describing the action
- class StateEvent¶
State event
- Canonical
- Parameters
payload (str) – Generic payload (JSON) that changes depending on its type
timestamp (Timestamp) – Event timestamp
type (StateEventType) – Event type
- class StateActionSnapshot¶
State action snapshot
- Canonical
- Parameters
state (str) – Generic action state (JSON) that changes depending on action type
timestamp (Timestamp) – Snapshot timestamp
variables (VariableState [ ]) – Values of the variables when taking the snapshot
- class StateActionStats¶
State action stats
- Canonical
- Parameters
execution_duration (int) – Duration (in milliseconds) of the execution of the action (without pre/post-processing)
failure_count (int) – Number of times a failure occured
pause_count (int) – Number of times an action has been paused
pause_duration (int) – How long (in milliseconds) an action has been paused
play_count (int) – Number of times the action has been played
play_duration (int) – How long (in milliseconds) an action has been playing
plugin_start_confirmation (int) – How long (in milliseconds) a plugin action has been waiting for the confirmation that it started
total_duration (int) – How long (in milliseconds) an action has been running
- class StateAction¶
State action - all the events/snapshots/stats collected during the execution of an action
- Canonical
- Parameters
handle (ContextualizedActionHandle) – Action handle
index (int) – Action index
events (StateEvent [ ]) – list of events that occured during the execution of an action
snapshot_start (StateActionSnapshot) – snapshot taken at the start of the action
snapshot_end (StateActionSnapshot) – snapshot taken at the end of the action
stats (StateActionStats) – stats collected during the execution of the action
- class StateSequenceStats¶
Sequence stats
- Canonical
- Parameters
average_time_between_actions (int) – Sequencer’s average time between 2 actions (milliseconds)
average_time_plugin_start_confirmation (int) – Average time between the moment the sequencer starts a plugin action and the moment it receives a confirmation that the plugin started (milliseconds)
average_time_waypoint_initialization (int) – Average time between the moment the sequencer receives a start confirmation for a waypoint action and the moment the robot actually starts to move (milliseconds)
average_time_action_processing (int) – Average time it takes for the pre/post-processing of an action
duration (int) – Total duration of the sequence (milliseconds)
end (Timestamp) – Sequence end timestamp
start (Timestamp) – Sequence start timestamp
- class StateSequence¶
State sequence - list of actions with an identifier
- Canonical
- Parameters
identifier (str) – Sequence identifier
actions (StateAction [ ]) – Actions that were played during the execution of a program
init_variables (VariableState [ ]) – Initial values of the variables when the program starts to play
pre_play_events (StateEvent [ ]) – Events that were captured before the first action is started
stats (StateSequenceStats) – Sequence stats
is_main (bool) – True if it is the main sequence of the program, otherwise (ex: thread) false