
This module imports the Kortex Router, which is in turn used to instantiate service clients for Kortex API RPC calls.

class RouterClient(transport: Optional[ITransportClient] = None, errorCallback=None, mqttBrokerHost: str = '', mqttBrokerPort: int = 1883)

Leverages a Kortex Transport to properly route inbound and outbound Kortex frames to and from the proper Kortex Services.

Creating a RouterClient is necessary in order to issue RPC calls to a Kortex device. It needs to be supplied a valid ITransportClient at construction, and then Kortex Service Clients (see kortex_api.autogen.client_stubs) can be created using the RouterClient.

If no transport is provided to the constructor, it will create a MqttTransport and try to connect it to a Kortex device.

Before disconnecting the transport, SetActivationStatus() must be called to cleanly destroy the RouterClient.

Usage :

from kortex_api.autogen.client_stubs.BaseClientRpc import BaseClient

transport = MqttTransport()

router = RouterClient(transport)


# The router can be used to create a Service Client as such :

base_client = BaseClient(router)

# The Service Client can then be used to call RPCs and subscribe to notifications



Constructor for the RouterClient.

Passing it no argument will make it create a MqttTransport on its own, and try to connect it to a Kortex device. If a transport is supplied, it must be connected after the construction of the RouterClient for it to work properly.

  • transport (ITransportClient, optional) – Kortex Transport this Router will use. Defaults to None.

  • errorCallback (function, optional) – Custom error callback to call when something goes awry. Defaults to None.

  • mqttBrokerHost (str, optional) – If no transport is provided, this address will be used to connect the default transport. Defaults to DEFAULT_CONTROLLER_ADDRESS.

  • mqttBrokerPort (int, optional) – If no transport is provided, this port will be used to connect the default transport. Defaults to DEFAULT_MQTT_BROKER_PORT.

GetConnectionId() int

Returns the router’s session ID.

If the router does not have a valid session, 0 is returned.

SetActivationStatus(isActive: bool)

Sets the activation status of the RouterClient.

Needs to be called before disconnecting the transport.


isActive (bool) – Activation status.

class RouterClientSendOptions

Options for when a message is sent with the Router.

The only supported option for now is a timeout duration, in milliseconds.

getTimeoutInSecond() float