
class ServiceVersion

Identifies ActuatorCyclic service current version



RESERVED_0 (0):   Reserved
CURRENT_VERSION (1):   Current version
class CommandFlags

Identifies actuator commands



NO_COMMAND (0):   0x0 Default value
SERVO_ENABLE (1):   0x1 Servoing mode is enabled
BRAKE_DISABLE (2):   0x2 Brake normally applied, 1 disables brake
CLEAR_MAJOR_FAULT(4):   0x4 Clear the major fault flag (See StatusFlags)
CLEAR_MINOR_FAULT(8):   0x8 Clear the minor fault flag (See StatusFlags)
PROTECTIVE_STOP (16):   0x10 Protective stop has been activated
FORCE_BRAKE_RELEASE (32):   0x20 Force a brake release
IGNORE (64):   0x40 ignore the other CommandFlag bits
LOW_GAINS (128):   0x80 Use a set of specific gain value used by the joint Hand-Guiding mode
LED_0(256):   0x100 Activate LED 0 (interface module buttons 0)
LED_1(512):   0x200 Activate LED 1 (interface module buttons 1)
TORQUE_AS_CURRENT_FFW (1024):   0x400 Forces "torque as a current feedforward" control mode
class StatusFlags

Identifies actuator status



UNKNOWN_STATUS (0):   0x0 Unknown status
RAM_SELF_TEST_SUCCESS (1):   0x1 Actuator RAM self-test succeded
STABILIZED (16):   0x10 Actuator is in a stable state
MOTOR_INDEXED (32):   0x20 Position sensor is indexed
MOTOR_INDEXING (64):   0x40 Position sensor is indexing
JOINT_INDEXED (128):   0x80 Reserved
JOINT_INDEXING (256):   0x100 Reserved
HIGH_PRECISION (512):   0x200 Reserved
BRAKING (1024):   0x400 The actuator is braking
SERVOING (2048):   0x800 The actuator is in servoing mode
MAJOR_FAULT (4096):   0x1000 A major fault has occurred
MINOR_FAULT (8192):   0x2000 A minor fault has occurred
CALIBRATED_TORQUE (16384):   0x4000 The torque sensor is calibrated
CALIBRATED_MAG_SENSOR (32768):   0x8000 The magnetic sensor is calibrated
CALIBRATED_ZERO (65536):   0x10000 The zero position calibration has been performed
GPIO_0 (131072):   0x20000 Reserved
GPIO_1 (262144):   0x40000 Reserved
CS_QUASI_STATIC_CONTACT (524288):   0x80000 Reserved
CS_TRANSIENT_CONTACT (1048576):   0x100000 Reserved
VFD_HALL_SYNC (2097152):   0x200000 Reserved
VFD_INDEXED (4194304):   0x400000 Reserved
DRIVE_BOARD_READY (8388608):   0x800000 Reserved
CALIBRATED_CURRENT (16777216):   0x1000000 Current sensor is calibrated
CALIBRATED_MOTOR (33554432):   0x2000000 Motor is calibrated
SW0_ACTIVE (67108864):   0x4000000 Status of interface module buttons 0
SW1_ACTIVE (134217728):   0x8000000 Status of interface module buttons 1
GRIPPER_DETECTED (268435456):   0x10000000 A gripper is detected
BRAKE_RELEASED (536870912):   0x20000000 Brake is released
BRAKE_RELEASE_FAILED (1073741824):   0x40000000 Actuator failed to release brake
BOOT_POSITION_SYNC_FAIL (-2147483648):   0x80000000 Actuator position at boot does not match with previous position