- class ServiceVersion¶
Identifies ActuatorConfig service current version
- Canonical
- RESERVED_0 (0): Reserved
- CURRENT_VERSION (1): Current version
- class ControlMode¶
Admissible control modes
- Canonical
- NONE (0): None
- POSITION (1): Position mode
- VELOCITY (2): Velocity mode
- TORQUE (3): Torque mode
- CURRENT (4): Current mode
- CUSTOM (5): Custom mode
- TORQUE_HIGH_VELOCITY (6): High velocity torque mode
- class CommandMode¶
Admissible command modes
- Canonical
- CYCLIC (0): Cyclic data only
- ASYNC (2): Config messages only
- CYCLIC_JITTERCOMPENSATED_POSITION (3): Smoothing using only position inputs
- CYCLIC_JITTERCOMPENSATED_VELOCITY (4): Smoothing using position and velocity inputs
- class ControlLoopSelection¶
Admissible control loop selections
- Canonical
- RESERVED(0): 0x0 - Reserved (internal use only)¶
- JOINT_POSITION(1): 0x1 - Joint position control (if available)¶
- MOTOR_POSITION (2): 0x2 - Motor position control
- JOINT_VELOCITY(4): 0x4 - Joint velocity control (if available)¶
- MOTOR_VELOCITY (8): 0x8 - Motor velocity control
- JOINT_TORQUE (16): 0x10 - Joint torque control
- MOTOR_CURRENT (32): 0x20 - Motor current control
- JOINT_TORQUE_HIGH_VELOCITY (64): 0x30 - High velocity joint torque control
- class CoggingFeedforwardMode¶
Admissible cogging feedforward modes
- Canonical
- FEEDFORWARD_OFF (0): No cogging compensation
- FEEDFORWARD_ADAPTIVE (1): Cogging compensation with adaptive parameters
- FEEDFORWARD_CALIBRATED (2): Cogging compensation with calibrated parameters
- class LookupTableSelection¶
Admissible lookup table selections
- Canonical
- LOOKUP_TABLE_JOINT_POSITION (0): Joint position sensor table
- LOOKUP_TABLE_MOTOR_POSITION (1): Motor position sensor table
- LOOKUP_TABLE_COGGING (2): Motor cogging table
- LOOKUP_TABLE_IMPEDANCE_FEEDFORWARD (3): Impedance mode feedforward table
- LOOKUP_TABLE_GEARBOX_STIFFNESS (4): Gearbox stiffness table
- class LookupTableDataSelection¶
Admissible lookup table data selections
- Canonical
- LOOKUP_TABLE_DATA_X (0): Lookup table query points
- LOOKUP_TABLE_DATA_Y (1): Lookup table output points
- class FourierModelSelection¶
Admissible Fourier model selections
- Canonical
- FOURIER_MODEL_KINEMATIC_ERROR(0): Kinematic error fourier model (forward movement)¶
- FOURIER_MODEL_KINEMATIC_ERROR_REVERSE(1): Kinematic error fourier model (reverse movement)¶
- class Gen3ActuatorDiagnosticIdentifierBankA¶
Admissible Gen3 actuator diagnostics bank A
- Canonical
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_UNSPECIFIED_DIAGNOSTIC_IDENTIFIER (0): 0x0 - Unspecified Gen3 actuator diagnostic bank A
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_FOLLOWING_ERROR (1): 0x1 - Following error
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_MAXIMUM_VELOCITY (2): 0x2 - Maximum velocity
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_JOINT_LIMIT_HIGH (4): 0x4 - Joint position limit high
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_JOINT_LIMIT_LOW (8): 0x8 - Joint position limit low
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_STRAIN_GAUGE_MISMATCH (16): 0x10 - Strain gauge mismatch
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_MAXIMUM_TORQUE (32): 0x20 - Maximum torque
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_UNRELIABLE_ABSOLUTE_POSITION (64): 0x40 - Unreliable absolute position
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_MAGNETIC_POSITION (128): 0x80 - Magnetic position
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_HALL_POSITION (256): 0x100 - Hall position
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_HALL_SEQUENCE (512): 0x200 - Hall sequence
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_INPUT_ENCODER_HALL_MISMATCH (1024): 0x400 - Input encoder Hall mismatch
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_INPUT_ENCODER_INDEX_MISMATCH (2048): 0x800 - Input encoder index mismatch
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_INPUT_ENCODER_MAGNETIC_MISMATCH (4096): 0x1000 - Input encoder magnetic mismatch
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_MAXIMUM_MOTOR_CURRENT (8192): 0x2000 - Maximum motor current
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_MOTOR_CURRENT_MISMATCH (16384): 0x4000 - Motor current mismatch
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_MAXIMUM_VOLTAGE (32768): 0x8000 - Maximum voltage
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_MINIMUM_VOLTAGE (65536): 0x10000 - Minimum voltage
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_MAXIMUM_MOTOR_TEMPERATURE (131072): 0x20000 - Maximum motor temperature
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_MAXIMUM_CORE_TEMPERATURE (262144): 0x40000 - Maximum core temperature
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_NON_VOLATILE_MEMORY_CORRUPTED (524288): 0x80000 - Non-volatile memory corrupted
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_MOTOR_DRIVER_FAULT (1048576): 0x100000 - Motor driver fault
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_EMERGENCY_LINE_ASSERTED (2097152): 0x200000 - Emergency line asserted
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_COMMUNICATION_TICK_LOST (4194304): 0x400000 - Communication tick lost
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_WATCHDOG_TRIGGERED (8388608): 0x800000 - Watchdog triggered
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_UNRELIABLE_CAPACITIVE_SENSOR (16777216): 0x1000000 - Capacitive sensor is unreliable
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_UNEXPECTED_GEAR_RATIO (33554432): 0x2000000 - Incorrect gear ratio for detected configuration
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_HALL_MAGNETIC_MISMATCH (67108864): 0x4000000 - Position mismatch between hall and magnetic sensors
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_BRAKE_DRIVER_FAULT (134217728): 0x8000000 - Brake driver fault
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_BRAKE_RELEASE_FAILED (268435456): 0x10000000 - Brake release failed
- GEN3_ACT_BANK_A_JOINT_ENCODER_FAULT (536870912): 0x20000000 - Joint encoder fault
- class LinkActuatorMainMCUDiagnosticIdentifierBankA¶
Admissible bank A Link actuator main MCU diagnostics
- Canonical
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_UNSPECIFIED_DIAGNOSTIC_IDENTIFIER (0): 0x0 - Unspecified Link actuator main MCU diagnostic bank A identifier
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_STARTUP_SELF_TESTS_TIMED_OUT (1): 0x1 - Startup self tests timed out
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_MCU_CORE_GENERAL_PURPOSE_REGISTERS (2): 0x2 - MCU core general purpose registers
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_MCU_CORE_ARITHMETIC_FUNCTIONS (4): 0x4 - MCU core arithmetic functions
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_MCU_CORE_MULTIPLIER_FUNCTIONS (8): 0x8 - MCU core multiplier functions
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_MCU_CORE_CONTROL_FLOW_INSTRUCTIONS (16): 0x10 - MCU core control flow instructions
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_MCU_CORE_LOAD_STORE_UNIT (32): 0x20 - MCU core load store unit
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_MCU_CORE_SHIFT_ROTATE_FUNCTIONS (64): 0x40 - MCU core shift rotate functions
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_MCU_CORE_STACK_POINTER (128): 0x80 - MCU core stack pointer
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_MCU_CORE_PIPELINE_FUNCTIONS (256): 0x100 - MCU core pipeline functions
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_MCU_CORE_FPU_REGISTERS_BANK (512): 0x200 - MCU core fpu registers bank
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_MCU_CORE_FPU_SINGLE_PRECISION_FUNCTIONS (1024): 0x400 - MCU core fpu single precision functions
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_MCU_CORE_CACHE_MANAGEMENT_LOGIC (2048): 0x800 - MCU core cache management logic
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_JOINT_POSITION_FOLLOWING_ERROR (8192): 0x2000 - Joint position following error
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_JOINT_MAXIMUM_VELOCITY (16384): 0x4000 - Joint maximum velocity
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_JOINT_POSITION_LIMIT_HIGH (32768): 0x8000 - Joint position limit high
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_JOINT_POSITION_LIMIT_LOW (65536): 0x10000 - Joint position limit low
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_JOINT_MAXIMUM_TORQUE (131072): 0x20000 - Joint maximum torque
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_MOTOR_DRV_CONFIGURATION_FAILED (262144): 0x40000 - Motor driver configuration failed
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_MOTOR_DRV_FAULT_PIN_ASSERTED (524288): 0x80000 - Motor driver fault pin asserted
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_MOTOR_DRV_VDS_OVERCURRENT (1048576): 0x100000 - Motor driver Vds overcurrent
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_MOTOR_DRV_GATE_DRIVER_FAULT (2097152): 0x200000 - Motor driver gate driver fault
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_MOTOR_DRV_PSU_UNDERVOLTAGE_LOCKOUT (4194304): 0x400000 - Motor driver PSU undervoltage lockout
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_MOTOR_DRV_GATE_DRIVER_UNDERVOLTAGE_LOCKOUT (8388608): 0x800000 - Motor driver gate driver undervoltage lockout
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_MOTOR_DRV_THERMAL_SHUTDOWN (16777216): 0x1000000 - Motor driver thermal shutdown
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_MOTOR_DRV_SENSE_AMPLIFIER_OVERCURRENT (33554432): 0x2000000 - Motor driver sense amplifier overcurrent
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_BRAKE_DRV_FAULT_PIN_ASSERTED (67108864): 0x4000000 - Brake driver fault pin asserted
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_BRAKE_NOT_RELEASING (134217728): 0x8000000 - Brake not releasing
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_BRAKE_CIRCUIT_CURRENT_OUT_OF_RANGE (268435456): 0x10000000 - Brake circuit current out of range
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_BRAKE_CIRCUIT_UNEXPECTED_VOLTAGE (536870912): 0x20000000 - Brake circuit unexpected voltage
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_A_BRAKE_RELEASE_MOTION_OUT_OF_RANGE (1073741824): 0x40000000 - Brake release motion out of range
- class LinkActuatorMainMCUDiagnosticIdentifierBankB¶
Admissible bank B Link actuator main MCU diagnostics
- Canonical
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_UNSPECIFIED_DIAGNOSTIC_IDENTIFIER (0): 0x0 - Unspecified Link actuator main MCU diagnostic bank B identifier
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_VMON_48V_OVERVOLTAGE (1): 0x1 - Voltage monitoring 48V overvoltage
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_VMON_48V_UNDERVOLTAGE (2): 0x2 - Voltage monitoring 48V undervoltage
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_VMON_5V_OVERVOLTAGE (4): 0x4 - Voltage monitoring 5V overvoltage
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_VMON_5V_UNDERVOLTAGE (8): 0x8 - Voltage monitoring 5V undervoltage
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_VMON_3V3_OVERVOLTAGE (16): 0x10 - Voltage monitoring 3V3 overvoltage
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_VMON_3V3_UNDERVOLTAGE (32): 0x20 - Voltage monitoring 3V3 undervoltage
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_VMON_2V8_OVERVOLTAGE (64): 0x40 - Voltage monitoring 2V8 overvoltage
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_VMON_2V8_UNDERVOLTAGE (128): 0x80 - Voltage monitoring 2V8 undervoltage
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_VMON_1V8_OVERVOLTAGE (256): 0x100 - Voltage monitoring 1V8 overvoltage
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_VMON_1V8_UNDERVOLTAGE (512): 0x200 - Voltage monitoring 1V8 undervoltage
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_VMON_1V2_OVERVOLTAGE (1024): 0x400 - Voltage monitoring 1V2 overvoltage
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_VMON_1V2_UNDERVOLTAGE (2048): 0x800 - Voltage monitoring 1V2 undervoltage
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_VREF_2V5_OVERVOLTAGE (4096): 0x1000 - Voltage reference 2V5 overvoltage
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_VREF_2V5_UNDERVOLTAGE (8192): 0x2000 - Voltage reference 2V5 undervoltage
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_MOTOR_OVERCURRENT (16384): 0x4000 - Motor overcurrent
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_MOTOR_CURRENT_SENSE_DISAGREEMENT (32768): 0x8000 - Motor current sense disagreement
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_MOTOR_PHASES_CURRENT_UNBALANCED (65536): 0x10000 - Motor phases current unbalanced
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_MOTOR_ENCODER_CONFIGURATION_FAILED (131072): 0x20000 - Motor encoder configuration failed
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_MOTOR_ENCODER_FAULT_DETECTED (262144): 0x40000 - Motor encoder fault detected
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_MOTOR_ENCODER_ERROR_PIN_ASSERTED (524288): 0x80000 - Motor encoder error pin asserted
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_MOTOR_ENCODER_SPI_QEI_POSITION_DISAGREEMENT (1048576): 0x100000 - Motor encoder SPI QEI position disagreement
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_JOINT_ENCODER_CONFIGURATION_FAILED (2097152): 0x200000 - Joint encoder configuration failed
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_JOINT_ENCODER_FAULT_DETECTED (4194304): 0x400000 - Joint encoder fault detected
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_JOINT_ENCODER_DIAG_PIN_ASSERTED (8388608): 0x800000 - Joint encoder diagnostic pin asserted
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_JOINT_ENCODER_SPI_QEI_POSITION_DISAGREEMENT (16777216): 0x1000000 - Joint encoder SPI QEI position disagreement
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_B_ENCODERS_POSITION_DISAGREEMENT (33554432): 0x2000000 - Encoders position disagreement
- class LinkActuatorMainMCUDiagnosticIdentifierBankC¶
Admissible bank C Link actuator main MCU diagnostics
- Canonical
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_C_UNSPECIFIED_DIAGNOSTIC_IDENTIFIER (0): 0x0 - Unspecified Link actuator main MCU diagnostic bank C identifier
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_C_MOTOR_HOUSING_TEMP_SENSOR_I2C_ERROR (1): 0x1 - Motor housing temperature sensor I2C error
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_C_MOTOR_HOUSING_TEMPERATURE_TOO_HIGH (2): 0x2 - Motor housing temperature too high
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_C_MOTOR_HOUSING_TEMPERATURE_TOO_LOW (4): 0x4 - Motor housing temperature too low
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_C_CORE_TEMPERATURE_TOO_HIGH (8): 0x8 - Core temperature too high
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_C_CORE_TEMPERATURE_TOO_LOW (16): 0x10 - Core temperature too low
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_C_XCOM_SAFETY_MCU_NOT_DETECTED (512): 0x200 - Cross communication safety MCU not detected
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_C_XCOM_CONFIGURATION_FAILED (1024): 0x400 - Cross communication configuration failed
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_C_XCOM_SPI_COMM_FAILURE (2048): 0x800 - Cross communication SPI communication failure
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_C_MOTOR_DRV_ENABLE_DISAGREEMENT (4096): 0x1000 - Motor driver enable disagreement
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_C_BRAKE_DRV_ENABLE_DISAGREEMENT (8192): 0x2000 - Brake driver enable disagreement
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_C_VMON_48V_DISAGREEMENT (16384): 0x4000 - Voltage monitoring 48V disagreement
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_C_MOTOR_HOUSING_TEMPERATURE_DISAGREEMENT (32768): 0x8000 - Motor housing temperature disagreement
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_C_JOINT_POSITION_DISAGREEMENT (65536): 0x10000 - Joint position disagreement
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_C_MOTOR_POSITION_DISAGREEMENT (131072): 0x20000 - Motor position disagreement
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_C_JOINT_VELOCITY_DISAGREEMENT (262144): 0x40000 - Joint velocity disagreement
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_C_MOTOR_VELOCITY_DISAGREEMENT (524288): 0x80000 - Motor velocity disagreement
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_C_MOTOR_CURRENT_DISAGREEMENT (1048576): 0x100000 - Motor current disagreement
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_C_SAFE_COMM_FAILURE (2097152): 0x200000 - Safe communication failure
- LINK_ACT_MAIN_MCU_BANK_C_WATCHDOG_RESET_OCCURRED (4194304): 0x400000 - Independent or window watchdog reset occurred
- class LinkActuatorSafetyMCUDiagnosticIdentifierBankA¶
Admissible bank A Link actuator safety MCU diagnostics
- Canonical
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_UNSPECIFIED_DIAGNOSTIC_IDENTIFIER (0): 0x0 - Unspecified Link actuator safety MCU diagnostic bank A identifier
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_STARTUP_SELF_TESTS_TIMED_OUT (1): 0x1 - Startup self tests timed out
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_VMON_48V_OVERVOLTAGE (2): 0x2 - Voltage monitoring 48V overvoltage
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_VMON_48V_UNDERVOLTAGE (4): 0x4 - Voltage monitoring 48V undervoltage
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_VREF_2V5_OVERVOLTAGE (8): 0x8 - Voltage reference 2V5 overvoltage
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_VREF_2V5_UNDERVOLTAGE (16): 0x10 - Voltage reference 2V5 undervoltage
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_MOTOR_CURRENT_SENSE_DISAGREEMENT (32): 0x20 - Motor current sense disagreement
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_MOTOR_ENCODER_ERROR_PIN_ASSERTED (64): 0x40 - Motor encoder error pin asserted
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_JOINT_ENCODER_DIAG_PIN_ASSERTED (128): 0x80 - Joint encoder diagnostic pin asserted
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_ENCODERS_POSITION_DISAGREEMENT (256): 0x100 - Encoders position disagreement
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_MOTOR_HOUSING_TEMP_SENSOR_I2C_ERROR (512): 0x200 - Motor housing temperature sensor I2C error
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_MOTOR_HOUSING_TEMPERATURE_TOO_HIGH (1024): 0x400 - Motor housing temperature too high
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_MOTOR_HOUSING_TEMPERATURE_TOO_LOW (2048): 0x800 - Motor housing temperature too low
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_CORE_TEMPERATURE_TOO_HIGH (4096): 0x1000 - Core temperature too high
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_CORE_TEMPERATURE_TOO_LOW (8192): 0x2000 - Core temperature too low
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_XCOM_SPI_COMM_FAILURE (32768): 0x8000 - Cross communication SPI communication failure
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_MOTOR_DRV_ENABLE_DISAGREEMENT (65536): 0x10000 - Motor driver enable disagreement
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_BRAKE_DRV_ENABLE_DISAGREEMENT (131072): 0x20000 - Brake driver enable disagreement
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_VMON_48V_DISAGREEMENT (262144): 0x40000 - Voltage monitoring 48V disagreement
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_MOTOR_HOUSING_TEMPERATURE_DISAGREEMENT (524288): 0x80000 - Motor housing temperature disagreement
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_JOINT_POSITION_DISAGREEMENT (1048576): 0x100000 - Joint position disagreement
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_MOTOR_POSITION_DISAGREEMENT (2097152): 0x200000 - Motor position disagreement
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_JOINT_VELOCITY_DISAGREEMENT (4194304): 0x400000 - Joint velocity disagreement
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_MOTOR_VELOCITY_DISAGREEMENT (8388608): 0x800000 - Motor velocity disagreement
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_MOTOR_CURRENT_DISAGREEMENT (16777216): 0x1000000 - Motor current disagreement
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_SAFE_COMM_FAILURE (33554432): 0x2000000 - Safe communication failure
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_A_WATCHDOG_RESET_OCCURRED (67108864): 0x4000000 - Independent or window watchdog reset occured
- class LinkActuatorSafetyMCUDiagnosticIdentifierBankB¶
Admissible bank B Link actuator safety MCU diagnostics
- Canonical
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_B_UNSPECIFIED_DIAGNOSTIC_IDENTIFIER (0): 0x0 - Unspecified Link actuator safety MCU diagnostic bank B identifier
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_B_MCU_CORE_GENERAL_PURPOSE_REGISTERS (1): 0x1 - MCU core general purpose registers
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_B_MCU_CORE_ARITHMETIC_FUNCTIONS (2): 0x2 - MCU core arithmetic functions
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_B_MCU_CORE_MULTIPLIER_FUNCTIONS (4): 0x4 - MCU core multiplier functions
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_B_MCU_CORE_CONTROL_FLOW_INSTRUCTIONS (8): 0x8 - MCU core control flow instructions
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_B_MCU_CORE_LOAD_STORE_UNIT (16): 0x10 - MCU core load store unit
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_B_MCU_CORE_SHIFT_ROTATE_FUNCTIONS (32): 0x20 - MCU core shift rotate functions
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_B_MCU_CORE_STACK_POINTER (64): 0x40 - MCU core stack pointer
- LINK_ACT_SFTY_MCU_BANK_B_MCU_CORE_PIPELINE_FUNCTIONS (128): 0x80 - MCU core pipeline functions
- class CustomDataIndex¶
Custom data options
- Canonical
- NO_CUSTOM_DATA_SELECTED (0): No custom data selected
- UINT32_TEST_RAMP (1): Incremental value used for test and validation
- UINT32_MOTOR_ENCODER_RAW(2): Rotor encoder incremental value (raw)¶
- UINT32_JOINT_ENCODER_RAW(3): Joint encoder incremental value (raw)¶
- FLOAT_TEMPERATURE_PHASE_0(4): Motor phase 0 temperature (degrees Celsius)¶
- FLOAT_TEMPERATURE_PHASE_1(5): Motor phase 1 temperature (degrees Celsius)¶
- FLOAT_TEMPERATURE_PHASE_2(6): Motor phase 2 temperature (degrees Celsius)¶
- INT32_TORQUE_SENSOR_RAW_0(7): Individual torque sensor strain gauge 0 ADC value (raw)¶
- INT32_TORQUE_SENSOR_RAW_1(8): Individual torque sensor strain gauge 1 ADC value (raw)¶
- INT32_TORQUE_SENSOR_RAW_2(9): Individual torque sensor strain gauge 2 ADC value (raw)¶
- INT32_TORQUE_SENSOR_RAW_3(10): Individual torque sensor strain gauge 3 ADC value (raw)¶
- FLOAT_TORQUE_SENSOR_0(11): Individual torque sensor strain gauge 0 converted value (Newton-meters)¶
- FLOAT_TORQUE_SENSOR_1(12): Individual torque sensor strain gauge 1 converted value (Newton-meters)¶
- FLOAT_TORQUE_SENSOR_2(13): Individual torque sensor strain gauge 2 converted value (Newton-meters)¶
- FLOAT_TORQUE_SENSOR_3(14): Individual torque sensor strain gauge 3 converted value (Newton-meters)¶
- UINT32_MOTOR_ENCODER_RAW_LATCH_ON_INDEX_RISING(15): Rotor encoder incremental value at last index signal rising edge (raw)¶
- UINT32_JOINT_ENCODER_RAW_LATCH_ON_INDEX_RISING(16): Joint encoder incremental value at last index signal rising edge (raw)¶
- UINT32_ABSOLUTE_POSITION_SENSOR_RAW(17): Absolute position sensor integer value (raw)¶
- FLOAT_ABSOLUTE_POSITION_SENSOR(18): Absolute position sensor converted value (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_CONTROL_POSITION_JOINT_REQUESTED (19): Last axis position command received via Ethernet
- UINT32_JIG_FLAGS(20): Jig status flags (internal use)¶
- UINT32_TICK_MOTOR_CONTROL(21): Rotor encoder incremental value corrected for counter overflow (raw)¶
- UINT32_TICK_JOINT_CONTROL(22): Joint encoder incremental value corrected for counter overflow (raw)¶
- UINT32_INDEX_TICK_MOTOR_CONTROL(23): Rotor encoder incremental value corrected for counter overflow at last index signal rising edge (raw)¶
- UINT32_INDEX_TICK_JOINT_CONTROL(24): Joint encoder incremental value corrected for counter overflow at last index signal rising edge (raw)¶
- FLOAT_ACCELERATION_X(25): x-axis acceleration (meters per second squared)¶
- FLOAT_ACCELERATION_Y(26): y-axis acceleration (meters per second squared)¶
- FLOAT_ACCELERATION_Z(27): z-axis acceleration (meters per second squared)¶
- FLOAT_ANGULAR_RATE_X(28): x-axis angular velocity (degrees per second)¶
- FLOAT_ANGULAR_RATE_Y(29): y-axis angular velocity (degrees per second)¶
- FLOAT_ANGULAR_RATE_Z(30): z-axis angular velocity (degrees per second)¶
- FLOAT_POSITION_MOTOR_CMD(31): Axis position command sent to motor position control loop (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_VELOCITY_MOTOR_CMD(32): Axis velocity command sent to motor velocity control loop (degrees per second)¶
- FLOAT_POSITION_MOTOR(33): Actuator position measured by rotor encoder (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_VELOCITY_MOTOR(34): Actuator angular velocity measured by rotor encoder (degrees per second)¶
- UINT32_COMMUNICATIONS_JITTER(35): Jitter from the communication (microseconds)¶
- FLOAT_TORQUE_AVERAGE(36): Actuator torque (Newton-meters)¶
- FLOAT_CURRENT_MOTOR(37): Motor current (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_VOLTAGE_DIGITAL(38): Main board voltage (Volts)¶
- FLOAT_TEMPERATURE_MOTOR_CELSIUS(39): Motor temperature (maximum of the three (3) phase temperatures) (degrees Celsius)¶
- FLOAT_TEMPERATURE_CORE_CELSIUS(40): Microcontroller temperature (degrees Celsius)¶
- UINT32_FAULT_A(41): Main MCU Bank A faults (see ActuatorConfig.Gen3ActuatorDiagnosticIdentifierBankA and ActuatorConfig.LinkActuatorMainMCUDiagnosticIdentifierBankA)¶
- UINT32_FAULT_B(42): Main MCU Bank B faults (see ActuatorConfig.LinkActuatorMainMCUDiagnosticIdentifierBankB)¶
- UINT32_WARNING_A(43): Main MCU Bank A warnings (see ActuatorConfig.Gen3ActuatorDiagnosticIdentifierBankA)¶
- UINT32_WARNING_B (44): Main MCU Bank B warnings
- FLOAT_POSITION_FROM_HALLS(45): Actuator position measured by motor hall sensors (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_PHASE_CURRENT_0(46): Motor phase 0 current (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_PHASE_CURRENT_1(47): Motor phase 1 current (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_PHASE_CURRENT_2(48): Motor phase 2 current (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_PHASE_PWM_0(49): Pulse width modulation duty cycle applied to motor phase 0 (percentage)¶
- FLOAT_PHASE_PWM_1(50): Pulse width modulation duty cycle applied to motor phase 1 (percentage)¶
- FLOAT_PHASE_PWM_2(51): Pulse width modulation duty cycle applied to motor phase 2 (percentage)¶
- FLOAT_MOTOR_ELECTRICAL_ANGLE(52): Motor electrical angle (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_CURRENT_MOTOR_CMD(53): Motor current command sent to motor drive (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_TORQUE_JOINT_CMD(54): Axis torque command sent to joint torque control loop (Newton-meters)¶
- FLOAT_POSITION_UNWRAPPED(55): Actuator position unwrapped (degrees)¶
- UINT32_HALL_SENSOR_0(56): Hall sensor 0 value (raw)¶
- UINT32_HALL_SENSOR_1(57): Hall sensor 1 value (raw)¶
- UINT32_HALL_SENSOR_2(58): Hall sensor 2 value (raw)¶
- INT32_HALL_SENSOR_SCALED_0(59): Hall sensor 0 scaled value (raw)¶
- INT32_HALL_SENSOR_SCALED_1(60): Hall sensor 1 scaled value (raw)¶
- INT32_HALL_SENSOR_SCALED_2(61): Hall sensor 2 scaled value (raw)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_A_0(62): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient A0 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_A_1(63): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient A1 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_A_2(64): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient A2 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_A_3(65): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient A3 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_A_4(66): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient A4 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_A_5(67): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient A5 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_A_6(68): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient A6 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_A_7(69): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient A7 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_A_8(70): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient A8 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_A_9(71): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient A9 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_A_10(72): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient A10 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_A_11(73): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient A11 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_A_12(74): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient A12 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_A_13(75): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient A13 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_A_14(76): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient A14 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_A_15(77): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient A15 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_B_0(78): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient B0 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_B_1(79): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient B1 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_B_2(80): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient B2 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_B_3(81): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient B3 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_B_4(82): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient B4 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_B_5(83): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient B5 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_B_6(84): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient B6 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_B_7(85): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient B7 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_B_8(86): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient B8 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_B_9(87): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient B9 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_B_10(88): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient B10 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_B_11(89): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient B11 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_B_12(90): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient B12 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_B_13(91): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient B13 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_B_14(92): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient B14 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_COGGING_COEFFICIENT_B_15(93): Cogging torque cancellation coefficient B15 (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_CURRENT_COGGING_FEEDFORWARD(94): Commanded cogging cancellation feedforward current sent to motor drive (Amperes)¶
- UINT32_MOTOR_POSITION_ABSOLUTE_RAW(95): Absolute rotor position reported by sensor (raw)¶
- FLOAT_MOTOR_POSITION_ABSOLUTE_RAW_WRAP(96): Absolute rotor position, range 0-360 (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_MOTOR_POSITION_ABSOLUTE_RAW_UNWRAP(97): Absolute rotor position (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_MOTOR_POSITION_ABSOLUTE_LINEARIZED(98): Absolute rotor position linearized (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_MOTOR_POSITION_ABSOLUTE_CALIBRATED(99): Absolute rotor position linearized and with calibrated offset (degrees)¶
- UINT32_MOTOR_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_RAW(100): Incremental rotor position (raw)¶
- FLOAT_MOTOR_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_RAW_WRAP(101): Incremental rotor position, range 0-360 (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_MOTOR_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_RAW_UNWRAP(102): Incremental rotor position (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_MOTOR_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_LINEARIZED(103): Incremental rotor position linearized (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_MOTOR_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_CALIBRATED(104): Incremental rotor position linearized and with calibrated offset (degrees)¶
- UINT32_JOINT_POSITION_ABSOLUTE_RAW(105): Absolute joint position reported by sensor (raw)¶
- FLOAT_JOINT_POSITION_ABSOLUTE_RAW_WRAP(106): Absolute joint position, range 0-360 (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_JOINT_POSITION_ABSOLUTE_RAW_UNWRAP(107): Absolute joint position (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_JOINT_POSITION_ABSOLUTE_LINEARIZED(108): Absolute joint position linearized (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_JOINT_POSITION_ABSOLUTE_CALIBRATED(109): Absolute joint position linearized and with calibrated offset (degrees)¶
- UINT32_JOINT_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_RAW(110): Incremental joint position (raw)¶
- FLOAT_JOINT_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_RAW_WRAP(111): Incremental joint position, range 0-360 (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_JOINT_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_RAW_UNWRAP(112): Incremental joint position (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_JOINT_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_LINEARIZED(113): Incremental joint position linearized (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_JOINT_POSITION_INCREMENTAL_CALIBRATED(114): Incremental joint position linearized and with calibrated offset (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_POSITION_MOTOR_UNWRAPPED(115): Actuator position measured by rotor encoder, unwrapped (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_MOTOR_POWER(116): Motor power (Watts)¶
- FLOAT_MOTOR_POWER_FILTERED(117): Motor power averaged over the configured amount of time (Watts)¶
- FLOAT_MOTOR_DIRECT_CURRENT(118): Motor direct current (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_MOTOR_QUADRATURE_CURRENT(119): Motor quadrature current (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_MOTOR_DIRECT_VOLTAGE(120): Motor direct voltage (Volts)¶
- FLOAT_MOTOR_QUADRATURE_VOLTAGE(121): Motor quadrature voltage (Volts)¶
- FLOAT_TORQUE_ESTIMATE_FROM_CURRENT(122): Joint torque estimated from motor current (Nm)¶
- FLOAT_TORQUE_ESTIMATE_FROM_DEFLECTION(123): Joint torque estimated from gearbox deflection (Nm)¶
- FLOAT_POSITION_JOINT(124): Actuator position measured by joint encoder (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_POSITION_JOINT_CMD(125): Axis position command sent to joint position control loop (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_VELOCITY_JOINT(126): Actuator velocity measured by joint encoder (degrees per second)¶
- FLOAT_VELOCITY_JOINT_CMD(127): Axis velocity command sent to joint velocity control loop (degrees per second)¶
- FLOAT_KINEMATIC_ERROR(128): The kinematic error model offset (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_MOTOR_POSITION_FOR_TORQUE_ESTIMATION(129): The motor position plus the zero offset and multiplied by the gear ratio (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_GEARBOX_DEFLECTION(130): The gearbox deflection (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_GEARBOX_DEFLECTION_KINEMATIC_ERROR_COMPENSATED(131): The gearbox deflection with the kinematic error compensated (degrees)¶
- FLOAT_VELOCITY_MOTOR_FILTERED(132): Motor velocity filtered (degrees per second)¶
- FLOAT_VELOCITY_JOINT_FILTERED(133): Joint velocity filtered (degrees per second)¶
- UINT32_FAULT_C(134): Main MCU Bank C faults (see ActuatorConfig.LinkActuatorMainMCUDiagnosticIdentifierBankC)¶
- UINT32_SFTY_FAULT_BANK_A(135): Safety MCU Bank A faults (see ActuatorConfig.LinkActuatorSafetyMCUDiagnosticIdentifierBankA)¶
- FLOAT_PHASE_CURRENT_0_HALL(136): Motor phase 0 current from hall effect sensor (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_PHASE_CURRENT_1_HALL(137): Motor phase 1 current from hall effect sensor (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_PHASE_CURRENT_2_HALL(138): Motor phase 2 current from hall effect sensor (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_CURRENT_MOTOR_FILTERED(139): Filtered motor current (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_PHASE_CURRENT_0_FILTERED(140): Filtered motor phase 0 current (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_PHASE_CURRENT_1_FILTERED(141): Filtered motor phase 1 current (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_PHASE_CURRENT_2_FILTERED(142): Filtered motor phase 2 current (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_PHASE_CURRENT_0_HALL_FILTERED(143): Filtered motor phase 0 current from hall effect sensor (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_PHASE_CURRENT_1_HALL_FILTERED(144): Filtered motor phase 1 current from hall effect sensor (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_PHASE_CURRENT_2_HALL_FILTERED(145): Filtered motor phase 2 current from hall effect sensor (Amperes)¶
- FLOAT_ACCELERATION_MOTOR(146): Actuator acceleration measured by joint encoder (degrees per second squared)¶