Joystick control
This section describes the joystick used for remote tele-operation of MOVO and the control mapping for the joystick.
MOVO can be controlled wirelessly using the included Logitech Extreme 3D Pro joystick.
This joystick features:
- 3 axis joystick (forward/backward, left/right, and twist clockwise/counterclockwise)
- Trigger (“Dead-man”)
- D-Pad / “Hat” control on top of joystick
- 5 buttons on the joystick (#2 on the side and 4 on the top - #s 3 - 6)
- Flipper paddle on the base
- 6 buttons on the base (#s 7 - 12)
The buttons are labeled on the joystick #s 2 through 12.
There are four control modes:
- Active base control (for horizontal movement)
- Active torso control (to raise / lower the upper torso)
- Active head control (pan / tilt control for the Kinect sensor)
- Active arm and gripper control
The following diagram describes how to control MOVO with the joystick in each of the four modes of operation.
Parent topic: MOVO hardware overview