================================ Notifications ================================ .. py:currentmodule:: kortex_api.autogen .. py:class:: ProtectionZoneClient :ref:`OnNotificationProtectionZoneChangeTopic ` : Subscribes to protection zone change topic for notifications :ref:`OnNotificationToolSphereChangeTopic ` : Subscribes to tool sphere change topic for notifications .. py:class:: EventBrokerClient :ref:`OnNotificationEventTopic ` : Subscribes to new events notifications .. py:class:: ToolManagerClient :ref:`OnNotificationActiveToolInformationChangedTopic ` : Subscribes to tool information notifications :ref:`OnNotificationToolInformationTopic ` : Subscribes to custom tool notifications .. py:class:: ControlConfigClient :ref:`OnNotificationControlConfigurationTopic ` : Subscribes to control configuration notifications :ref:`OnNotificationControlModeTopic ` : Subscribes to control mode topic for notifications .. py:class:: IndustrialIOClient :ref:`OnNotificationDigitalOutputChangeTopic ` : Subscribes to digital output change topic for notifications. :ref:`OnNotificationDigitalInputChangeTopic ` : Subscribes to digital input change topic for notifications. :ref:`OnNotificationAnalogIOChangeTopic ` : Subscribes to analog input/output change topic for notifications. :ref:`OnNotificationWristAnalogIOChangeTopic ` : Subscribes to wrist's analog configuration change topic for notifications. This notification is only emitted when the Industrial I/O Plugin changes the wrist's configuration. It's not emitted when the analog value changes. .. py:class:: BaseClient :ref:`OnNotificationConfigurationChangeTopic ` : Subscribes to configuration change topic for notifications :ref:`OnNotificationOperatingModeTopic ` : Subscribes to operating mode topic for notifications :ref:`OnNotificationControllerTopic ` : Subscribes to controller topic for notifications :ref:`OnNotificationActionTopic ` : Subscribes to action topic for notifications :ref:`OnNotificationRobotEventTopic ` : Subscribes to robot event topic for notifications :ref:`OnNotificationServoingModeTopic ` : Subscribes to servoing mode topic for notifications :ref:`OnNotificationFactoryTopic ` : Subscribes to factory topic for notifications :ref:`OnNotificationArmStateTopic ` : Subscribes to robot arm state notifications :ref:`OnNotificationUpdatingModeTopic ` : Subscribes to updating mode topic for notifications :ref:`OnNotificationHandGuidingModeTopic ` : Subscribes to Hand-Guiding mode topic for notifications :ref:`OnNotificationEnablingDeviceTopic ` : Subscribes to enabling device topic for notifications :ref:`OnNotificationMotionTopic ` : Subscribes to motion topic for notifications :ref:`OnNotificationProgramRequestTopic ` : Subscribes to program request topic for notifications :ref:`OnNotificationArmCalibrationStatusChangeTopic ` : Subscribes to arm calibration status change topic for notifications :ref:`OnNotificationAcknowledgeActionTopic ` : Subscribes to acknowledge action topic for notifications .. py:class:: VariableManagerClient :ref:`OnNotificationVariableChangeTopic ` : Subscribes to Configuration change topic on variables :ref:`OnNotificationVariableJsonSchemasChangedTopic ` : Subscribes to variable JSON schemas changes notification .. py:class:: PluginClient :ref:`OnNotificationStateTopic ` : Subscribes to State change topic for the Plugin :ref:`OnNotificationConfigurationChangeTopic ` : Subscribes to Configuration change topic for the Plugin :ref:`OnNotificationActionTopic ` : Subscribes to Action notifications for the Plugin :ref:`OnNotificationInfoChangeTopic ` : Subscribes to Info change topic for the Plugin .. py:class:: ToolPluginClient :ref:`OnNotificationToolInformationTopic ` : Subscribes to tool information notifications .. py:class:: PluginManagerClient :ref:`OnNotificationPluginUpdatedTopic ` : Notification of plugin update events :ref:`OnNotificationPluginInstallationTopic ` : Notification of plugin installation events .. py:class:: ProgramRunnerClient :ref:`OnNotificationStateChangeTopic ` : Subscribes to state event notifications :ref:`OnNotificationStatusChangeTopic ` : Subscribes to status event notifications :ref:`OnNotificationConfigurationChangeTopic ` : Subscribes to Configuration change topic on programs :ref:`OnNotificationExecutionEventTopic ` : Subscribes to program execution event notifications .. py:class:: SafetyIOClient :ref:`OnNotificationSafetyIOChangeTopic ` : Subscribes to safety io change topic for notifications .. py:class:: SafetyControlUnitConfigClient :ref:`OnNotificationSafetyParametersChecksumChangeTopic ` : Subscribes to safety parameters checksum change topic for notifications .. py:class:: SafetyFunctionsClient :ref:`OnNotificationSafetyFunctionChangeTopic ` : Subscribes to safety function change topic for notifications :ref:`OnNotificationSafetyModeChangeTopic ` : Subscribes to safety function change topic for notifications :ref:`OnNotificationProtectiveStopChangeTopic ` : Subscribes to protective stop change topic for notifications