================================ BaseCyclic ================================ .. py:currentmodule:: kortex_api.autogen .. _BaseCyclicBaseFeedback: .. py:class:: BaseFeedback Defines the feedback provided by the base :canonical: kortex_api.autogen.messages.BaseCyclic_pb2.BaseFeedback :param active_state_connection_identifier: Connection identifier of the last processed command which triggered an arm state change :type active_state_connection_identifier: :ref:`int <>` :param active_state: Active state of the arm :type active_state: :ref:`ArmState ` :param arm_voltage: Arm voltage (in Volts) :type arm_voltage: :ref:`float <>` :param arm_current: Arm current (in Amperes) :type arm_current: :ref:`float <>` :param temperature_cpu: CPU temperature (in degree Celsius) :type temperature_cpu: :ref:`float <>` :param temperature_ambient: Ambient temperature (in degree Celsius) :type temperature_ambient: :ref:`float <>` :param imu_acceleration_x: IMU Measured acceleration (X-Axis) of the base (in meters per second squared) :type imu_acceleration_x: :ref:`float <>` :param imu_acceleration_y: IMU Measured acceleration (Y-Axis) of the base (in meters per second squared) :type imu_acceleration_y: :ref:`float <>` :param imu_acceleration_z: IMU Measured acceleration (Z-Axis) of the base (in meters per second squared) :type imu_acceleration_z: :ref:`float <>` :param imu_angular_velocity_x: IMU Measured angular velocity (X-Axis) of the base (in degrees per second) :type imu_angular_velocity_x: :ref:`float <>` :param imu_angular_velocity_y: IMU Measured angular velocity (Y-Axis) of the base (in degrees per second) :type imu_angular_velocity_y: :ref:`float <>` :param imu_angular_velocity_z: IMU Measured angular velocity (Z-Axis) of the base (in degrees per second) :type imu_angular_velocity_z: :ref:`float <>` :param tool_pose_x: Measured Cartesian position (X-Axis) of the tool (in meters) :type tool_pose_x: :ref:`float <>` :param tool_pose_y: Measured Cartesian position (Y-Axis) of the tool (in meters) :type tool_pose_y: :ref:`float <>` :param tool_pose_z: Measured Cartesian position (Z-Axis) of the tool (in meters) :type tool_pose_z: :ref:`float <>` :param tool_pose_theta_x: Measured Cartesian orientation (X-Axis) of the tool (in degrees) :type tool_pose_theta_x: :ref:`float <>` :param tool_pose_theta_y: Measured Cartesian orientation (Y-Axis) of the tool (in degrees) :type tool_pose_theta_y: :ref:`float <>` :param tool_pose_theta_z: Measured Cartesian orientation (Z-Axis) of the tool (in degrees) :type tool_pose_theta_z: :ref:`float <>` :param tool_twist_linear_x: Measured Cartesian linear velocity (X-Axis) of the tool (in meters per second) :type tool_twist_linear_x: :ref:`float <>` :param tool_twist_linear_y: Measured Cartesian linear velocity (Y-Axis) of the tool (in meters per second) :type tool_twist_linear_y: :ref:`float <>` :param tool_twist_linear_z: Measured Cartesian linear velocity (Z-Axis) of the tool (in meters per second) :type tool_twist_linear_z: :ref:`float <>` :param tool_twist_angular_x: Measured Cartesian angular velocity (X-Axis) of the tool (in degrees per second) :type tool_twist_angular_x: :ref:`float <>` :param tool_twist_angular_y: Measured Cartesian angular velocity (Y-Axis) of the tool (in degrees per second) :type tool_twist_angular_y: :ref:`float <>` :param tool_twist_angular_z: Measured Cartesian angular velocity (Z-Axis) of the tool (in degrees per second) :type tool_twist_angular_z: :ref:`float <>` :param tool_external_wrench_force_x: Computed force in X-Axis from external wrench (in Newtons) :type tool_external_wrench_force_x: :ref:`float <>` :param tool_external_wrench_force_y: Computed force in Y-Axis from external wrench (in Newtons) :type tool_external_wrench_force_y: :ref:`float <>` :param tool_external_wrench_force_z: Computed force in Z-Axis from external wrench (in Newtons) :type tool_external_wrench_force_z: :ref:`float <>` :param tool_external_wrench_torque_x: Computed torque about X-axis from external wrench (in Newton-meters) :type tool_external_wrench_torque_x: :ref:`float <>` :param tool_external_wrench_torque_y: Computed torque about Y-axis from external wrench (in Newton-meters) :type tool_external_wrench_torque_y: :ref:`float <>` :param tool_external_wrench_torque_z: Computed torque about Z-axis from external wrench (in Newton-meters) :type tool_external_wrench_torque_z: :ref:`float <>` :param fault_bank_a: The arm fault flags bank A (see Base.BaseDiagnosticIdentifierBankA) :type fault_bank_a: :ref:`int <>` :param fault_bank_b: The arm fault flags bank B (see Base.BaseDiagnosticIdentifierBankB) :type fault_bank_b: :ref:`int <>` :param warning_bank_a: The arm warning flags bank A :type warning_bank_a: :ref:`int <>` :param warning_bank_b: The arm warning flags bank B :type warning_bank_b: :ref:`int <>` :param commanded_tool_pose_x: Commanded Cartesian position (X-Axis) of the tool (in meters) :type commanded_tool_pose_x: :ref:`float <>` :param commanded_tool_pose_y: Commanded Cartesian position (Y-Axis) of the tool (in meters) :type commanded_tool_pose_y: :ref:`float <>` :param commanded_tool_pose_z: Commanded Cartesian position (Z-Axis) of the tool (in meters) :type commanded_tool_pose_z: :ref:`float <>` :param commanded_tool_pose_theta_x: Commanded Cartesian orientation (X-Axis) of the tool (in degrees) :type commanded_tool_pose_theta_x: :ref:`float <>` :param commanded_tool_pose_theta_y: Commanded Cartesian orientation (Y-Axis) of the tool (in degrees) :type commanded_tool_pose_theta_y: :ref:`float <>` :param commanded_tool_pose_theta_z: Commanded Cartesian orientation (Z-Axis) of the tool (in degrees) :type commanded_tool_pose_theta_z: :ref:`float <>` :param operating_mode: Current operating mode of the arm (only applicable if active_state is operational or recovery) :type operating_mode: :ref:`OperatingModeType ` :param enabling_device_state: Current enabling device state. True is pressed, false if released :type enabling_device_state: :ref:`bool <>` :param scu_fault_bank_a: The SCU diagnostic flags bank A (see Base.LinkSCUDiagnosticIdentifierBankA) :type scu_fault_bank_a: :ref:`int <>` :param scu_fault_bank_b: The SCU diagnostic flags bank B (see Base.LinkSCUDiagnosticIdentifierBankB) :type scu_fault_bank_b: :ref:`int <>` :param scu_fault_bank_c: The SCU diagnostic flags bank C (see Base.LinkSCUDiagnosticIdentifierBankC) :type scu_fault_bank_c: :ref:`int <>` :param scu_fault_bank_d: The SCU diagnostic flags bank D (see Base.LinkSCUDiagnosticIdentifierBankD) :type scu_fault_bank_d: :ref:`int <>` :param flange_pose: Measured Pose of the flange :type flange_pose: :ref:`Pose ` :param is_emergency_stop_activated: Emergency stop state. True if pressed, false otherwise :type is_emergency_stop_activated: :ref:`bool <>` :param active_payload: Active Payload (in kg) :type active_payload: :ref:`float <>` :param state_bank: State of the robot arm (see Base.LinkStateIdentifierBank) :type state_bank: :ref:`int <>` .. _BaseCyclicFieldCustomType: .. py:class:: FieldCustomType Custom data field :canonical: kortex_api.autogen.messages.BaseCyclic_pb2.FieldCustomType :param command_list: Command list :type command_list: :ref:`CustomType ` [ ] .. _BaseCyclicFieldCustomData: .. py:class:: FieldCustomData Custom data field :canonical: kortex_api.autogen.messages.BaseCyclic_pb2.FieldCustomData :param float float: Float. Part of the ``values`` `Oneof `_. :param int fix32: Fixed32. Part of the ``values`` `Oneof `_. :param int int32: Int32. Part of the ``values`` `Oneof `_. :param int uint32: Unit32. Part of the ``values`` `Oneof `_. :param bool bool: Bool. Part of the ``values`` `Oneof `_. .. _BaseCyclicRepeatedFieldCustomData: .. py:class:: RepeatedFieldCustomData :canonical: kortex_api.autogen.messages.BaseCyclic_pb2.RepeatedFieldCustomData :param data: Data :type data: :ref:`FieldCustomData ` [ ] .. _BaseCyclicCustomData: .. py:class:: CustomData Custom development data, content varies according to debug needs :canonical: kortex_api.autogen.messages.BaseCyclic_pb2.CustomData :param frame_id: Frame ID :type frame_id: :ref:`int <>` :param custom_datas: Custom data :type custom_datas: :ref:`RepeatedFieldCustomData ` [ ] :param actuators_custom_data: Actuator custom data :type actuators_custom_data: :ref:`CustomData ` [ ] :param wrist_custom_data: Wrist module custom data :type wrist_custom_data: :ref:`CustomData ` .. _BaseCyclicCommand: .. py:class:: Command Defines a command provided to robot devices (actuators and interface) :canonical: kortex_api.autogen.messages.BaseCyclic_pb2.Command :param frame_id: Frame ID :type frame_id: :ref:`int <>` :param actuators: Actuator command :type actuators: :ref:`Command ` [ ] :param wrist: Wrist module command :type wrist: :ref:`Command ` .. _BaseCyclicFeedback: .. py:class:: Feedback Defines the feedback provided by robot devices (base, actuators and interface) :canonical: kortex_api.autogen.messages.BaseCyclic_pb2.Feedback :param frame_id: Frame ID :type frame_id: :ref:`int <>` :param base: Base feedback :type base: :ref:`BaseFeedback ` :param actuators: Actuator feedback :type actuators: :ref:`Feedback ` [ ] :param wrist: Wrist module feedback :type wrist: :ref:`Feedback `