All the data is formatted according to this:
The following section lists a series of addresses to read ON/OFF statuses from robot
Applicable Modbus function code:
Type | Unit | Address | Description | Supported platform |
bool | N/A | 0 | Unspecified arm state. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 1 | Cannot be reported as the Base initialisation must be completed before allowing user connection. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 2 | Base initialisation succeeded. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 3 | Arm is being initialised. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 4 | Arm is in fault. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 5 | Arm is in maintenance. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 6 | Arm is in low-level servoing mode. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 7 | Arm is ready to be controlled. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 8 | Arm is currently being controlled via a sequence. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 9 | Arm is currently being controlled manually. | ALL |
Type | Unit | Address | Description | Supported platform |
bool | N/A | 32 | Firmware update failure. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 34 | Maximum ambient temperature reached. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 35 | Maximum core temperature reached. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 36 | Joint fault. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 40 | Above maximum DOF. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 42 | Unable to reach pose. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 43 | Joint detection error. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 44 | Network initialisation error. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 45 | Maximum current reached. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 46 | Maximum voltage reached. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 47 | Minimum voltage reached. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 55 | Emergency stop activated. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 56 | Emergency line activated. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 57 | In rush current limiter fault. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 58 | NVRAM corrupted (not implemented yet). | ALL |
bool | N/A | 59 | Incompatible firmware version. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 60 | Power on self test failure. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 61 | Discrete Input stuck active. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 62 | Arm is in an illegal position (singularity). | ALL |
Type | Unit | Address | Description | Supported platform |
bool | N/A | 64 | Firmware update failure. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 66 | Maximum ambient temperature reached. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 67 | Maximum core temperature reached. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 68 | Joint fault. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 72 | Above maximum DOF. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 74 | Unable to reach pose. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 75 | Joint detection error. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 76 | Network initialisation error. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 77 | Maximum current reached. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 78 | Maximum voltage reached. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 79 | Minimum voltage reached. | ALL |
bool | N/A | 87 | Emergency stop activated | ALL |
bool | N/A | 88 | Emergency line activated | ALL |
bool | N/A | 89 | In rush current limiter fault | ALL |
bool | N/A | 91 | Incompatible firmware version | ALL |
bool | N/A | 92 | Power on self test failure | ALL |
bool | N/A | 93 | Discrete Input stuck active | ALL |
bool | N/A | 94 | Arm is in an illegal position (singularity) | ALL |
The following section lists a series of addresses to drive ON/OFF output on robot
Applicable Modbus function codes:
Category | Unit | Address | Description | Supported platform |
Control | N/A | 0 | Quick stop | ALL |
Control | N/A | 1 | Abort / manual stop | ALL |
Control | N/A | 2 | Fault reset | ALL |
The following section list a series of addresses to read 16-bit number from robot .
Applicable Modbus function code:
Category | Type | Unit | Address | Description | Supported platform |
Robot state | uint16 (bitmask) | N/A | 0 | 0: Unspecified arm state 1: Cannot be reported as the Base initialization must be completed before allowing user connectionBase initialisation succeeded. 2: Base initialization succeededArm is being initialised. 3: Arm is being initializedArm is in fault. 4: Arm is in faultArm is in maintenance. 5: Arm is in maintenanceArm is in low-level servoing mode. 6: Arm is in low-level servoing modeArm is ready to be controlled. 7: Arm is ready to be controlled. 8: Arm is currently being controlled via a sequenceArm. 9: Arm is currently being controlled manually. |
Fault flags | uint32 (bitmask) | N/A | 2 - 3 | 0: Firmware update failure 2: Maximum ambient temperature reached 3: Maximum core temperature reached 4: Joint fault 8: Above maximum DOF 10: Unable to reach pose 11: Joint detection error 12: Network initialisation error 13: Maximum current reached 14: Maximum voltage reached 15: Minimum voltage reached 23: Emergency stop activated 24: Emergency line activated 25: In rush current limiter fault 27: Incompatible firmware version 28: Power on self test failure 29: Discrete Input stuck active 30: Arm is in an illegal position (singularity) |
Warning flags | uint32 (bitmask) | N/A | 4 - 5 | Same as Fault flags | ALL |
Arm current | float | A | 6 - 7 | Arm current | ALL |
Arm Voltage | float | V | 8 - 9 | Arm voltage | ALL |
Arm CPU Temperature | float | °C | 10 - 11 | Arm CPU Temperature | ALL |
Arm Ambient Temperature | float | °c | 12 - 13 | Arm Ambient Temperature | ALL |
Type | Unit | Address | Description | Supported platform |
float | ° | 34 - 35 | Joint 1 position | ALL |
float | ° | 36 - 37 | Joint 2 position | ALL |
float | ° | 38 - 39 | Joint 3 position | ALL |
float | ° | 40 - 41 | Joint 4 position | ALL |
float | ° | 42 - 43 | Joint 5 position | ALL |
float | ° | 44 - 45 | Joint 6 position | ALL |
float | ° | 46 - 47 | Joint 7 position | ALL |
float | ° / s | 48 - 49 | Joint 1 velocity | ALL |
float | ° / s | 50 - 51 | Joint 2 velocity | ALL |
float | ° / s | 52 - 53 | Joint 3 velocity | ALL |
float | ° / s | 54 - 55 | Joint 4 velocity | ALL |
float | ° / s | 56 - 57 | Joint 5 velocity | ALL |
float | ° / s | 58 - 59 | Joint 6 velocity | ALL |
float | ° / s | 60 - 61 | Joint 7 velocity | ALL |
float | Nm | 62 - 63 | Joint 1 torque | ALL |
float | Nm | 64 - 65 | Joint 2 torque | ALL |
float | Nm | 66 - 67 | Joint 3 torque | ALL |
float | Nm | 68 - 69 | Joint 4 torque | ALL |
float | Nm | 70 - 71 | Joint 5 torque | ALL |
float | Nm | 72 - 73 | Joint 6 torque | ALL |
float | Nm | 74 - 75 | Joint 7 torque | ALL |
float | A | 76 - 77 | Joint 1 current | ALL |
float | A | 78 - 79 | Joint 2 current | ALL |
float | A | 80 - 81 | Joint 3 current | ALL |
float | A | 82 - 83 | Joint 4 current | ALL |
float | A | 84 - 85 | Joint 5 current | ALL |
float | A | 86 - 87 | Joint 6 current | ALL |
float | A | 88 - 89 | Joint 7 current | ALL |
float | °C | 90 - 91 | Joint 1 motor temp | ALL |
float | °C | 92 - 93 | Joint 2 motor temp | ALL |
float | °C | 94 - 95 | Joint 3 motor temp | ALL |
float | °C | 96 - 97 | Joint 4 motor temp | ALL |
float | °C | 98 - 99 | Joint 5 motor temp | ALL |
float | °C | 100 - 101 | Joint 6 motor temp | ALL |
float | °C | 102 - 103 | Joint 7 motor temp | ALL |
Type | Unit | Address | Description | Supported platform |
float | m | 104 - 105 | TCP Position X | ALL |
float | m | 106 - 107 | TCP Position Y | ALL |
float | m | 108 - 109 | TCP Position Z | ALL |
float | ° | 110 - 111 | TCP Orientation Theta X | ALL |
float | ° | 112 - 113 | TCP Orientation Theta Y | ALL |
float | ° | 114 - 115 | TCP Orientation Theta Z | ALL |
float | m/s | 116 - 117 | TCP Velocity X | ALL |
float | m/s | 118 - 119 | TCP Velocity Y | ALL |
float | m/s | 120 - 121 | TCP Velocity Z | ALL |
float | °/s | 122 - 123 | TCP Angular Velocity Theta X | ALL |
float | °/s | 124 - 125 | TCP Angular Velocity Theta Y | ALL |
float | °/s | 126 - 127 | TCP Angular Velocity Theta Z | ALL |
float | N | 128 - 129 | TCP Force X | ALL |
float | N | 130 - 131 | TCP Force Y | ALL |
float | N | 132 - 133 | TCP Force Z | ALL |
float | Nm | 134 - 135 | TCP Torque X | ALL |
float | Nm | 136 - 137 | TCP Torque Y | ALL |
float | Nm | 138 - 139 | TCP Torque Z | ALL |
The following section lists available addresses to use. Every address holds a 16 bits register.
Applicable Modbus function codes:
Type | Address | Description | Supported platform |
uint16 | 0 | 0: Quick stop 1: Abort / manual stop 2: Fault reset |
Type | Address | Description | Supported platform |
Bitmask (16 bits) | 100 | Status of executed Action or Sequence. 0: Started 1: Completed 2: Paused 3: Aborted |
uint16 | 101 | Active Action/Sequence ID. | ALL |
uint16 | 102 | Active move type. 0: Action 1: Sequence 2: Cartesian trajectory 3: Twist |
Type | Unit | Address | Description | Supported platform |
float | m/s | 104 - 105 | Current Linear Cartesian Speed Limit | ALL |
float | °/s | 106 - 107 | Current Angular Cartesian Speed Limit | ALL |
Type | Unit | Address | Description | Supported platform |
Bitmask (16 bits) | N/A | 200 | Status of executed Action or Sequence. 0: No action 1: Action start 2: Action stop |
uint16 | N/A | 201 | Active Action/Sequence ID. | ALL |
uint16 | N/A | 202 | Active move type. 0: Action 1: Sequence 2: Cartesian trajectory 3: Twist |
uint16 | N/A | 203 | Cartesian reference frame. 1: Mixed 2: Tool 3: Base |
float | m or m/s | 204 - 205 | Linear X position or velocity Only used with Cartesian and Twist Move types |
float | m or m/s | 206 - 207 | Linear Y position or velocity Only used with Cartesian and Twist Move types |
float | m or m/s | 208 - 209 | Linear Z position or velocity Only used with Cartesian and Twist Move types |
float | m or °/s | 210 - 211 | Theta X Orientation or Angular X velocity Only used with Cartesian and Twist Move types |
float | m or °/s | 212 - 213 | Theta Y Orientation or Angular Y velocity Only used with Cartesian and Twist Move types |
float | m or °/s | 214 - 215 | Theta Z Orientation or Angular Z velocity Only used with Cartesian and Twist Move types |
float | m/s | 216 - 217 | Desired Linear Cartesian Speed Limit | ALL |
float | °/s | 218 - 219 | Desired Angular Cartesian Speed Limit | ALL |